Message from the Dean School of Education

The School of Education is driven by the philosophy of continuous research, teaching and learning for knowledge building and development in mentoring, training and producing teachers to drive the nation and the world through innovations, competitiveness, transparency, quality and integrity. The School is privileged to welcome you to join the courses of Education Science, Education Arts and technology education both at undergraduate and post graduate levels and notice the immense positive difference as you build your career in competency based education.

To be strategic, the School is focused at training her students by giving the best with respect to research, teaching and learning geared towards meeting expectations for the Kenya’s vision 2030, Africa Agenda 2063 and the MDGs. This focus provides and guarantees learners are equipped with relevant knowledge, competencies, skills and attitudes required by the job market.

In striving to fulfilling her research, teaching and learning mandate, the School of Education works and collaborates with the key stakeholders (Ministry of Education, Commission for University Education, Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA);  Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS); parents; secondary schools and colleges, parents and students ), the industry and her peers in higher education. In this respect, the transformation of education in Kenya has since undergone positive mile stones due to emerging issues. Thus, the School collaborates with CEMASTEA in Kenya and CEMASTE in the University of Albata in Canada in the area of competency based teaching, learning and training.

Once again we assure our key stake holders, the parents and the student of getting the best teacher education at Meru University of Science & Technology with respect to international standards of teacher education and training.

Statement of strategic intent:

In order to strategically be placed and engage in teaching, learning and training duties the School
aims at putting concerted efforts towards contributing meritoriously and efficiently to the
attainment of the national development agenda as espoused in the Kenya Vision 2030,
Sustainable Development Goals in realisation of competency based curriculum implementation
and adhering to the specific priorities and policies of Meru University of Science & technology.
This will be achieved through inclusivity and engagement of all shareholders in research,
teaching and community service in order to achieve the following strategic intentions:
1. Innovatively reengineer academic processes, core management information system
applications and services for improved efficiency and effectiveness in education.
2. Create, integrate, preserve, transmit and knowledge created through research and
innovation and;
3. Enhance collaborations and linkages with peer institutions and the industry, locally and

The School’s objectives are to:

1. Teach students how to learn through the development of creative thinking, research, innovation
and study skills competencies for excellent problem solving;
2. Support students to become productive citizens that are capable of changing the social-order
through emphasis on proactively managing social issues;
3. Inspire students for self-fulfillment, personal values and relevance, communication and self-
expression skills, and development of effective lifelong learning competencies.