Bachelor of Education Arts

Mission Statement

To train teachers for an active career in competency based professional education, research, innovation and information technology in developing their intellectual, professional and social characters.

Vision Statement

A leading department of excellence for teacher training in social sciences, professional competencies and sports science.


Philosophy of the Programme and Description of the Programme

The program is anchored on the philosophy of unlocking educational potentials through innovations and research responsive to self-reliance and self-actualization of individual persons in pursuit of societal fulfillment and sustainable development. This is in line of producing quality teachers and leaders in training, research and innovation in the field of education and management. The program is intended to provide students with professional, technical information & technology skills required by the society in the competency based training by teaching fraternity and at the same time meet the quality requirements of the University.

Goal of the Programme

The goal of the programme is twofold. Firstly, to prepare and train teachers for an active career in competency based professional education, research, and innovation and information technology in developing their intellectual, professional and social characters. This will enable them become innovative and responsible leaders within the school and the global community. Secondly, to provide a basis for social sciences education training that enables the teachers to pursue advanced training in both professional and academic fields.

Admission Requirements

Mean grade of C+ (plus) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E), and a C (plain) in English/Kiswahili.
In addition, one should have at least a C+ (plus) in the two teaching subjects namely: English, Literature (Grade for English is considered here), Mathematics, Geography, History, CRE, Business Studies, Computer Studies, Physical and Health Education (PE), Music.
NB: Those interested in taking Business studies/
Computer studies must have C+ (plus) in Mathematics.

Duration: 8 semesters
Mode of Study: Full-time
Campus: Main Campus (Nchiru)
Tuition fees per semester: Ksh. 45,000

Expected Learning Outcomes of the Programme (PLOs)

By the end of this Programme, a graduate should be able to:

  1. Use acquired professional skills and knowledge in solving education related problems innovatively in the society.
  2. Apply appropriate pedagogical skills in teaching successfully at the secondary school, colleges and tertiary levels.
  3. Identify researchable problems in society and carry out research for decision making.
  4. Utilize modern information technologies, innovations and competencies in the practice of teaching and learning.
  5. Participate and contribute in the formulation of public education policy in the society.



 Schedule of courses per academic year per  semester
Level of study Number of units/courses
Year one Semester one 6
Year one Semester two 7
Year two Semester one 7
Year two Semester two 7
Year three Semester one 9
Year three Semester two 8
Teaching practice-equivalent to one semester  (14 weeks) 2             
Year four Semester one 8
Year four Semester two 7
Total 61


Management and Administration of the Programme

The programme is housed in the Department of Education Arts at the School of Education. It is headed by a senior lecturer in the department in consultation with the Chairman of Department will manage its implementation in line with the quality management systems already in place in the University. The department will constantly consult with Quality Assurance department to enforce standards and regulation during implementation. The lecture halls and equipment for delivery are adequate and will be shared with other programmes in the University. The prescribed core references, journals and other reference materials are available in the University library and e-library.

Program Organization

The program of Bachelor of Education Art is administered from the Department of Education Arts in the School of Education. In the department there are specific subject heads who are in charge of various subjects. Further there are lecturers and technical staff cutting across all disciplines. All the academic and technical staff are well equipped with relevant research skills and experience cutting across all disciplines of the program.


Courses Distribution

S/N Course Category Number of Units Total Contact Hours Total Credit Hours
1.         University common courses 3 117 9
2.         Computer Courses 3 117 9
3. Education courses 21 819 63
  Specialization Courses (a student chooses two subject areas)
1.  Mathematics 16 624 48
2.  Geography 16 624 48
3.  History 16 624 48
4.  Business Studies 16 624 48
5.  Christian Religious Education 16 624 48
6.  Computer Studies 16 624 48
7.  Physical and Health Education 16 624 48
8.  English 16 624 48
9.  Literature 16 624 48
10. Music 16 624 48
11 Kiswahili 16 624 48
12 Teaching Practice 2   78   6
  TOTAL 61 2,379 183



Bachelor of Education Arts can fit in many careers including


Education Administration

Curriculum design

Educational Research

Education Policy Making

Community Leadership

Education Consultancy